Mallory Kuhn
By Mallory Kuhn on October 17, 2024

4 High-Conversion B2B Landing Page Examples To Copy This Year

We see pages every day that overwhelm visitors with too much information, use jargon-heavy language, and fail to communicate the key offerings. When you’re creating a landing page, the key is to strike a balance between providing enough information to help your visitors make a decision and maintaining a focused page. 

So what should you include in your B2B landing page? Here are the essential elements that can drive conversions:

  • Clear, benefit-driven headline: Your headline should immediately communicate the core value of your offer. It's not about features, but about how your product or service will improve the visitor's business or work life.
  • Compelling hero image or video: Visual elements can quickly convey your message and engage visitors. Choose imagery that represents your offer or shows it in action.
  • Brief, scannable copy: B2B decision-makers are often short on time. Break your content into easily digestible chunks, using bullet points, short paragraphs, and subheadings to make it scannable.
  • Social proof elements: Include testimonials, case studies, client logos, or data-driven results.
  • Strong call-to-action (CTA): Your CTA should be clear, action-oriented, and stand out on the page. 
  • Lead capture form: Keep your form short and ask only for essential information. The longer the form, the less likely visitors are to complete it.
  • Minimal navigation: Limit distractions by removing or minimizing navigation elements. You want to keep visitors focused on your offer and CTA.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Ensure your landing page looks and functions well on all devices. 

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With these elements in mind, let's examine some successful B2B landing page examples you can use as templates for your offer pages this year.


1. Qualio 

What Works:

Qualio's landing page is simple but effective. Let's break down what they're doing right:

  • Minimal navigation: The page is laser-focused on its goal. By stripping away unnecessary navigation elements, Qualio ensures visitors aren't distracted from the main call-to-action. 
  • Social proof galore: Qualio doesn't just tell you they're great; they show you. The page is peppered with impressive client logos and glowing testimonials. 
  • Embedded video for context: The inclusion of a video is a smart move. It provides a quick, engaging way for visitors to understand Qualio's offering. 

Related Read: How To Get My Website To Show Up on Google: 7 Expert SEO Tips

What Could Be Improved:

While Qualio's landing page is strong overall, there's always room for improvement. Mostly, they could minimize their form fields further. In B2B, asking for lots of information upfront is tempting, but each additional field can reduce conversion rates. Qualio might consider testing a shorter form to see if it increases conversions.

How to Implement It in Your Business:

Ready to apply Qualio's winning strategies to your own landing pages? Here are some key takeaways:

  • Keep things simple: Follow Qualio's lead and strip your landing page down to the essentials. Remove any elements that don't directly contribute to your conversion goal. 
  • Show people why they should listen to you with social proof: Don't be shy about showcasing your successes. If you have impressive client logos, display them prominently. Gather and feature testimonials from satisfied customers. If you have impressive stats or industry recognition, make sure they're front and center.

Remember, the key to a successful B2B landing page is to provide just enough information to build trust and interest while maintaining a clear path to conversion. By keeping things simple and leveraging social proof effectively, you can create landing pages that look great and drive results. 


2. HubSpot 

What Works:

HubSpot's landing page showcases why they're a leader in the industry. Here's what they're nailing:

  • Minimal navigation: Like Qualio, HubSpot keeps the page focused by limiting navigation options. This helps guide visitors toward the primary action — requesting a demo.
  • Minimal form fields: HubSpot practices what they preach with a short, non-intimidating form. By asking for only essential information, they reduce friction in the conversion process.
  • Smart form fields: This is a standout feature. By recognizing returning visitors and auto-filling previously provided information, HubSpot makes the process even smoother. 
  • List of features: HubSpot effectively uses their page to speak directly to its audience's needs and pain points. Clearly outlining what visitors will learn in the demo makes the offer appear more valuable.

What Could Be Improved:

This page is strong, but even category leaders have room for improvement! HubSpot might see even better results from their page if they made a few adjustments:

  • Social proof placement: While HubSpot does include social proof, it's below the fold. For a less established brand, this might be a missed opportunity. However, given HubSpot's strong reputation, this is less critical for them.
  • Subheading length: The subheading, while informative, is a bit long. A punchier, more concise version might have more impact and be easier for visitors to quickly digest.

How to Implement It in Your Business:

Want to bring some of HubSpot's magic to your landing pages? Here's how:

  • Brand with color: HubSpot's page is clean and minimal, but still distinctly "HubSpot" thanks to their signature orange. Use your brand colors strategically to create a simple and memorable page.
  • Use smart form fields: If you're using HubSpot or a similar platform with this capability, take advantage of it! Smart fields can significantly improve user experience and potentially boost conversions.
  • Use your audience's language: HubSpot's feature list is effective because it speaks directly to their audience's needs and interests. When creating your landing page, think carefully about your audience. What do they care about? What problems are they trying to solve? Use this language in your copy to show visitors why your offer is perfect for them.

Remember, the goal is to create a landing page that's visually appealing, speaks directly to your audience's needs, and makes it as easy as possible for them to take the desired action.

Related Read: Ask These 6 Questions Before Hiring a HubSpot Onboarding Agency (+ How To Find a HubSpot Partner)

3. ClickFunnels


What Works:

ClickFunnels takes a unique approach with its landing page strategy, and there's a lot to admire:

  • Minimal first page: The initial page is strikingly simple, focusing solely on getting visitors to take the first step. This laser focus can be highly effective in driving initial engagement.
  • Two-step form: By breaking the contact sign-up process into two steps, ClickFunnels makes it psychologically easier for visitors to get started. The first step is so simple that it's hard to say no to.
  • Social proof and details on the second page: Once visitors are invested by taking the first step, ClickFunnels hits them with social proof and more detailed information. This timing can be more effective than front-loading all this information.

What Could Be Improved:

While ClickFunnels' approach is innovative, there are areas for potential enhancement. First, the heading, while informative, is quite lengthy. A more concise, punchy headline might be more immediately impactful.

Their pages are also a bit visually crowded compared with the other examples we’ve looked at. A cleaner, more spacious design might improve readability and user experience.

How You Can Implement It in Your Business:

Intrigued by ClickFunnels' approach? Here's how you can adapt some of their strategies:

  • Implement a two-step form: This can be a game-changer for conversions. Start with an easy, low-commitment first step (like just asking for an email address). Once visitors complete this, they're more likely to provide additional information.
  • Consider a freemium model: If it makes sense for your business, offering a free trial or basic version of your product can be an excellent way to generate leads. It lowers the barrier to entry for potential customers.
  • Use social proof effectively: ClickFunnels uses "shields" to showcase their social proof in a visually appealing way. Think about how you can present your credentials, client list, or achievements in a similarly eye-catching manner.

Remember, while ClickFunnels' approach is distinct, it may not be the best fit for every B2B business. The key is to take inspiration from their strategies and adapt them to fit your specific audience and offerings. Test different approaches to see what resonates best with your potential customers.



What Works:

IMPACT's landing page showcases several effective strategies for B2B lead generation:

  • Minimal navigation: Like our previous examples, IMPACT keeps the navigation simple, reducing distractions and keeping visitors focused on the main call-to-action.
  • Compelling headline: The heading text provides a clear, enticing reason for visitors to take action. It promises value and speaks directly to the audience's potential needs or pain points.
  • Embedded video with a clear value proposition: The video is a great way to engage visitors, and the accompanying text clearly outlines what visitors will gain by converting.
  • Multi-step form process: By breaking the form into manageable chunks, IMPACT makes the process feel less daunting. Similar to ClickFunnels’ form, this can help improve completion rates as visitors are more likely to start a process that seems bite-sized.

What Could Be Improved:

While IMPACT's page has many strengths, there’s always room for improvement! 

  • Form complexity: The form, while broken into steps, still asks for a lot of information. Some fields require more thought (i.e., are more "calorie-intensive"), which could potentially deter some visitors from completing the process.
  • Social proof placement: Similar to HubSpot, the social proof is below the fold. For a company that might not be as well-known as IMPACT, putting this valuable trust-building info this low on the page could be a downside.

How to Implement This in Your Business:

Inspired by IMPACT's approach? Here's how you can adapt their strategies:

  • Highlight immediate value: Communicate what value prospects will receive from booking a call or demo. What insights, tips, or analysis can you offer in that first interaction?
  • Use multi-step forms: If you need to gather a lot of information, consider breaking it into steps like IMPACT does. This can make the form process less overwhelming.
  • Leverage video content: If possible, include a video on your landing page. This can be a great way to engage visitors and convey information quickly and effectively.

By focusing on immediate value, streamlining your information-gathering process, and using engaging elements like video, you can create a landing page that captures leads and sets you up for valuable client interactions later.  

Getting The Most From B2B Landing Page Examples

The four B2B landing page examples in this post should give you a solid foundation of the best practices and creative ideas you can use to make your own landing pages. Using these examples as practical blueprints can help you make pages that resonate with your audience and boost conversion rates across your site. 

But let's zoom out for a moment. 

Whistrong landing pages are is crucial, it's just one piece of the puzzle. To truly crush your conversion goals, you need more than a collection of great pages — you need a cohesive website strategy that guides your visitors along a high-conversion buyer journey.

So, how do you build this conversion machine for your business? How do you ensure that every element of your website, from the homepage to the thank you page, is optimized to guide visitors along the path to conversion?

That's where our free training, "The Four Pillars of a Winning Website," comes in. This resource goes beyond individual page tactics and dives into the overarching strategies that make websites truly successful. We'll show you how to create a cohesive online presence that looks great and performs well.

Check out "The Four Pillars of a Winning Website" today.


Published by Mallory Kuhn October 17, 2024
Mallory Kuhn